I cannot believe how long it has been since I last posted an entry. So firstly let me apologise to those of you who have been checking to see whether it has been updated.
Hannah is doing extremely well and getting fatter and fluffier by the day. We only have one month, three weeks and five days to go before she is due to foal… I am not ready at all and have to admit the panic is definitely starting to set in a little!
But my lovely girl is taking the whole thing in her stride, so hopefully she will take to being a mother just as she has taken to being in foal. She is getting a little uncomfortable now when it starts moving around as she goes very still and puts her ears back, stamping her back foot and glaring at me. Then she will go back to munching on her haylage once it has finished moving. It seems to happen mostly in the evenings as I have not seen it moving in the day time yet.
Hannah is going out for a couple of hours every other day and seems to be doing well from this. I know it is not ideal at this stage of her pregnancy, but she does not seem too keen on being out for longer periods and comes running to the gate when I walk up to get her (not something she usually does when she is in a field). Our yard owner has sorted out her field for when the foal is born and has said Hannah can start going out in that so she can get out every day, but it is so wet at the moment that I have been putting it off as I do not want to spoil the field for the summer. When she gets a little closer to foaling I will put her out in there every day, but at the moment she seems very content and actually prefers eating her haylage in her stable than being out in the rain.
I am hoping to get some pictures of her and put them on here when I get back from my holidays… I am sure you will notice a huge difference!